please the trees v galerii galaxie

please the trees
[galerie galaxie] :: 05.05.2019

v rodící se kopřivnické galerii galaxie v postupně zvelebovaném objektu někdejšího depozitáře muzea tatry v sadu dr. eduarda beneše proběhl v neděli 05.05.2019 odpolední koncert formace please the trees. zaznamenali jsme jej do fotoreportu.

please the trees please the trees please the trees please the trees

please the trees please the trees please the trees please the trees

please the trees please the trees please the trees please the trees

please the trees please the trees please the trees please the trees

please the trees please the trees please the trees please the trees

please the trees please the trees please the trees please the trees

please the trees please the trees please the trees please the trees

please the trees please the trees please the trees please the trees

please the trees please the trees

foto: jonáš

