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fotoreport:: m.o.d. - method of destruction a primary resistance v barráku (2 v 1)

m.o.d. - method of destruction (us)
ve středu 04.12.2019 hostil ostravský klub barrák kultovní americkou smečku m.o.d. - method of destruction. zachytili jsme je (i s domácími předskokany primary resistance) do dvojfotoreportu.
vloženo: 20.12.2019

fotoreport by valde ár::

m.o.d. - method of destruction (us), primary resistance m.o.d. - method of destruction (us), primary resistance m.o.d. - method of destruction (us), primary resistance m.o.d. - method of destruction (us), primary resistance

m.o.d. - method of destruction (us), primary resistance m.o.d. - method of destruction (us), primary resistance m.o.d. - method of destruction (us), primary resistance m.o.d. - method of destruction (us), primary resistance

m.o.d. - method of destruction (us), primary resistance m.o.d. - method of destruction (us), primary resistance m.o.d. - method of destruction (us), primary resistance m.o.d. - method of destruction (us), primary resistance

m.o.d. - method of destruction (us), primary resistance m.o.d. - method of destruction (us), primary resistance m.o.d. - method of destruction (us), primary resistance m.o.d. - method of destruction (us), primary resistance

m.o.d. - method of destruction (us), primary resistance m.o.d. - method of destruction (us), primary resistance m.o.d. - method of destruction (us), primary resistance m.o.d. - method of destruction (us), primary resistance

m.o.d. - method of destruction (us), primary resistance m.o.d. - method of destruction (us), primary resistance m.o.d. - method of destruction (us), primary resistance m.o.d. - method of destruction (us), primary resistance

m.o.d. - method of destruction (us), primary resistance

fotoreport by tadeáš bednarz::

m.o.d. - method of destruction (us), primary resistance m.o.d. - method of destruction (us), primary resistance m.o.d. - method of destruction (us), primary resistance m.o.d. - method of destruction (us), primary resistance

m.o.d. - method of destruction (us), primary resistance m.o.d. - method of destruction (us), primary resistance m.o.d. - method of destruction (us), primary resistance m.o.d. - method of destruction (us), primary resistance

m.o.d. - method of destruction (us), primary resistance m.o.d. - method of destruction (us), primary resistance m.o.d. - method of destruction (us), primary resistance

foto: valde ár, tadeáš bednarz

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